
A committed company

FlexiLivre was born from the idea of two friends passionate about traveling. It was upon returning from their trips around the globe that they wanted to create a photo album to keep a record of their adventures.

Easy? Not really! The solutions that were available on the internet at the time were neither practical nor affordable. This observation led to the creation of FlexiLivre in 2013.

Who Are We

FlexiLivre is primarily the story of a team of enthusiasts. We came together around this project with the aim of creating the best photo album and photo book service.

Mathieu Cloute
Mathieu, CEO, passionate about communication and marketing. Father of 2 children whom he always forgets to photograph!
Kamel Boughaleb
Kamel, Technical Director, passionate about new technologies and artificial intelligence. Kayaking as often as possible, both at sea and on the road.
Khadija Zirar
Khadija, Customer Manager, passionate about human and social relations. Launched into long studies of psychology alongside her active life.
Rachel Viana
Rachel, Artistic Director, passionate about visual communication and its current evolution. Mother of 3 children and spends part of her weekends with Civil Protection.
Cesar, Web Designer, passionate about video games and design. Decided not to choose between his pencils and his game controller!
Khadidja, The latest recruit to the team! Passionate about artificial intelligence, a subject she masters perfectly.
Alexandre, Developer, passionate about algorithms and graphic design. With his metal band, they regularly perform in the most festive bars.
Ilya, AKA the man who speaks little but codes a lot! He is passionate about video games and computing.

Our Vision

Concerned about respecting the environment, FlexiLivre prints all its books in France, commits by printing on PEFC certified paper, in an 'Imprim'Vert' certified print shop.

FlexiLivre is a climate neutral company (compensation of 100% of its CO2 emissions) and is committed to financing several environmental projects.