
DIY: professional tips for succeeding in creating your baby photo album

Have you multiplied snapshots of your child from the day of their birth? Our website helps you make an unforgettable photo album. It will include, depending on the chosen models, from 17 to 85 photo memories accompanied by texts and graphics. You are free to arrange them as you like or to insert fewer.

We advise you to order an additional copy that you will give to your offspring when they have grown up. Often, when leaving the family nest, children feel the need to take with them photos that are comforting symbols and not cumbersome.

Our team of image professionals is here to help you preserve precious moments of life in a photo album. What could be more moving than to relive in images the unforgettable first days of your baby as well as their first gifts, smiles, and many learnings? Everything is surprise and wonder: their bottles, their naps, and then quicker than you imagine their first steps, their start at daycare, and their first drawings.

Feel free to also check out the family photo album section.

How to make a baby and child photo album?

The design software allows you to choose from 6 formats and 12 different styles. You will create your work in a few minutes if you choose the presentation that our technical team has carefully concocted for you. If you wish, you can customize further by modifying:

  • The color.
  • The images.
  • The frames (9).
  • The backgrounds (29).
  • The layout and size of the reserved spaces for your proofs.

baby album format

You also have a text processing tool that allows you to choose the font, size, and orientation of your characters. Do not hesitate to be creative by telling anecdotes, letting yourself be inspired by the photos, perhaps in the form of a poem.

What content to gather for making next-generation photo albums?

By the care we give to our products, we show that we are aware of the importance of archiving a family history. Be creative for an original album because it contributes to the unique identity of your family unit, made of different influences that combine harmoniously.

  • Collect shots of all the people and family members who will be happy to appear in the photo album, including the nanny, neighbors, isolated individuals. He will then feel, throughout his childhood and even as an adult, that he was well received when he arrived in the world. He needs a solid and visible base that will accompany him throughout his life.
  • Photograph objects that are part of his life: gifts, soft toys, toys...
  • Keep an eye out to photograph his footsteps in the sand, his artistic productions (sandcastles, land art...), every day moments (meals, naps, walks...).
  • Stage playful scenes that will make him laugh: dressing up, playing hide and seek, reading a book.

toy content album

How to get the best shots of a baby?

To complete the pages of your birth book, you must first have successful photos. It's useful to remind some simple tips because when it comes to taking pictures of the baby, it's hard to think of everything. Also, he will look at these pictures later and will not fail to notice the details of domestic life. Plan a session during a calm moment after feeding, in the presence of a reassuring third party who can entertain him.

  • Make sure the baby is impeccable because in an album, every detail stands out even when you don't pay attention to it at the time of the shot. Wipe away any drool, vomit or food traces. This advice may seem superfluous, but keep in mind that you are enamored with him: he seems magnificent to you. Yet, you are not immune to letting pass elements that might later be humiliating for him.
  • Also take care of the decor, even if the period after birth is not conducive to housework. Frame your photos in such a way as to not show elements that would particularly indicate that you are overwhelmed (dirty laundry, dust...)
  • Place yourself at his level to value him.
  • For close-up photos, avoid using a wide-angle lens on a newborn, as it would distort his face.
  • The use of flash is not recommended for babies (pale complexion, surprise effect). On the contrary, a baby's gaze lights up in the presence of a source of natural light. Place him in front of a window rather than artificial lighting.
  • A baby changes very quickly. Don't forget to immortalize in the foreground his hands and feet, for example. You can place next to him an object or a toy that would give an idea of the size of his limbs: flower, trinket, plush, book...
  • Let your inspiration flow for photo sessions with the baby's relatives, in order to capture their unique relationship. Choosing black and white will give a timeless dimension to these suspended moments.

When the child grows...

If you have the reflex to take pictures, remember to sort them and to care for some of them to gather them into a book. For this, create a 'to print' file. Everyday life should not prevent you from losing track of unique moments. The future still holds many technological innovations, it is safer to keep a paper support of professional quality for optimal preservation of your snapshots.

  • Organize prepared photo sessions that will be moments of privileged sharing. Take pictures of his toys, soft toys, and drawings even as he grows.
  • What if he hates having his picture taken? Show him family portraits and suggest capturing some beautiful moments when he is having fun. Do not force him to be photographed in baby situations (bath, at the table, in pajamas...). If he refuses, argue with him and organize a scheduled session during a family meeting, for example.
  • The child learns quickly, at least in school, that he has an image right. Ask him if you can take his picture. This way, you will educate him not to force someone else later on.

Is it useful to make a photo album for a birthday?

To thank everyone who gave a gift to the youngest, you can order several copies of your birthday album, our basic products are quite affordable (containing up to 17 photos).

You can, for example, trace the stages of the birthday that he can then tell the story of. What pleasure and pride! Everything is good to boost the self-confidence of your child and teach them to turn the pages of a book with happiness.

Another question you may be asking yourself: is it a good idea to share the birthday photos of your children on social networks?

  • The ideal, of course, remains to consult the albums together during an evening or a family gathering.
  • Make sure to set the privacy settings of your publications to private mode to prevent the unwanted spread of pictures of your children. These settings are reliable, but the recipients can all download them and distribute them in turn.