Gather Your Best Pastry Recipes in a Dedicated Photo Book!
Published on 08/11/2022 23:38 by Mathieu Clouté

©Juliet_boo - Shutterstock / Flexilivre
Do you love baking and have original recipes that you always want handy without having to search for hours at the bottom of your drawers for those written on a scrap of paper? Then the ideal solution is to opt for creating a photo book specially dedicated to your favorite pastry recipes.
Why gather your best pastry recipes in a book?
A photo book dedicated to your best pastry recipes is a highly effective way that will make your life much easier and save you a considerable amount of time. Indeed, we tend to note our favorite recipes on scraps of paper that we leave lying around in a corner of our drawers and sometimes end up getting lost, which can then become a real problem especially when we really need that recipe.
Creating your photo book will allow you to keep all your best pastry recipes in a place where you'll be sure to find all your favorite preparations without having to rummage through your drawers.
Besides being very useful, this alternative can also become the ideal gift to give to your loved ones as well as being passed on to your children in order to perpetuate the culinary tradition. Your loved ones will then be able to benefit from all your best recipes and reproduce them at their leisure, making this book an excellent way to please the whole family.
Moreover, it's an accessory that is relatively simple to create and won't take up too much time. So it's a particularly interesting and economical alternative that will allow you to create your own book according to your tastes and preferences.
Designing Your Pastry Book
Designing your pastry photo book requires several simple steps that must be followed.
Gather Your Best Recipes
Start by looking for all your pastry recipes that are on scraps of paper as well as in special notebooks and gather them to create a recipe book that will become a true means of preserving your culinary heritage.
Choose a Theme
Selecting a theme that brings together all the recipes will allow you to find them much more easily when you're looking for them. Thus, you can make a book focused on foolproof desserts or a book dedicated only to chocolate desserts or make a book that encompasses all your desserts. It's up to you to see what you prefer and decide according to your desires. You can then keep your book or your precious collection at hand in a corner of your kitchen.
If you plan to give this pastry book to someone, then choose a theme that will please the person who will receive it and be unique to them. The ideal would then be to create a book with a theme that brings together all the recipes that your loved one prefers.
Bake and Take Photos
Once you have gathered all your recipes and chosen your theme, it's now time to bake. Put on your apron and get to work. Once your delicious desserts have been made, you will need to move on to the crucial step of taking photos. Take harmonious pictures of your pastries from all angles with all the ingredients for each step of your preparation. You will then have a chronological order of what you have done which will perfectly illustrate each step carried out.
You can use your imagination by adding nice filters to your images or by playing with natural light and highlighting the color of certain fruits.
Let Your Creativity Flow
Once your photos have been taken, you can begin the creation of your book. You are free to choose between:
- the size of the book
- where to place your photos
- how many pictures to put on each page
- the color of your cover
You can select the color and font you want depending on the look you wish to give to your creation and your desires. Handwriting fonts can give a unique and personal style to your album.
There are templates designed online to give you some ideas and help you during the creation of your album.
You can have a photo on the left page and the steps of your recipe preparation on the right page, for example, or intersperse texts between your recipes. Cooking stimulates our senses and imagination. So, with all these steps, you will have made your own unique photo book gathering all your best creations.