
How to create a photo album for the summer? All the tips

Published on 03/11/2022 18:45 by Mathieu Clouté

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Wanting to create a photo album is one thing, wishing to create a photo album for the summer is another! While people tend to think that photo albums are only for big occasions, they are mistaken. Indeed, it is possible to put together an album or a souvenir photo book even for situations like vacations, however, there are some tips for successfully completing your project. It's also important to think about adapting your book or photo album according to your desires and projects.

Why create a photo album for the summer

It is interesting to want to create a photo album for the summer, just as it is interesting to want to create a photo album in winter. In reality, what makes a photo album successful is the way you execute it, but also the theme you focus this album on, what you want to tell inside, and through your photos. Therefore, making a photo album centered around the theme of the seasons is a very good idea. It will help facilitate one of the factors of the album's success, which is the sorting of photos.

Indeed, summer is a warm season, known for being the season of freedom, warmth, but also exploration. For all these elements to be well reflected in your album, it's up to you to make the right choices of photos, but also of customization for the book or album that you will create. Among the elements that can be incorporated into your project, you can think of several things, for example:

  1. The different colors. Indeed, your summer album will immediately have more impact if you use appropriate colors. Difficult to make an album or photo book meant to represent this season with white, blue, or even green (the symbolic color of spring). No, instead, favor colors like yellow of course, the color of the sun and summer, but also warm colors like red, or orange. You may also use blue, but be careful, blue combined with white will make people think of winter, think about associating it more with yellow.
  2. The setting. This is also important, what theme, what setting, what direction do you want to give to your photo album? Do you want to narrate the summer vacations when you enjoyed your grandparents, or rather the summer when you went on vacation to a paradisiacal beach? It's also possible to want to chronologically narrate your summer, there are truly so many different possibilities for telling your summer story, just be careful not to turn your album or photo book into a catch-all where you put everything and anything inside.
  3. The photos. An obviously essential element in the creation of your special summer album, your photos must above all please you. To take good photos in the summer, it is important to take into account the high brightness provided by the sun. Specifically, you can take advantage of the strong brightness present in this season to create beautiful effects on your photos.

How to successfully create your album

To be sure you are satisfied with the creation of your special summer photo album, here are some tips to follow.

Sorting your photos

Indeed, there is already a job of sorting to perform when you make the decision to want to create an album. It all depends on the length of your vacation, but there's a good chance that during this period you have taken numerous snapshots. Thus, according to your desires, you must decide which photos are going to go into the album. It is not mandatory to always put the most beautiful shots from your camera in your album.

You can indeed keep some photos that, at first glance, seem totally insignificant, but which, over time, will retain a certain charm.

Keeping track of your photos

You should also be careful, after having sorted through your photos, not to keep too wide a variety. Indeed, you will not be able to integrate all your photos at once. However, there are several album formats and you will thus be able to choose the one that suits you best. Notably, on our favorite site FlexiLivre, there are albums ranging from 15 to more than 250 pages possible! Thus, you will be able to choose your quantity according to your desires.

Choosing the right photos

It's also important not to choose photos that have no relation to each other. Indeed, especially if you plan to give the photo album as a gift, it's important for the person receiving the gift to understand what you wanted to represent with this photo album.

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