Spring Vacation Photo Album

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Customize your Spring Vacation Photo Album
If I ask you what the color of spring is, you answer? Green... isn't it? So it is the recurring color, the one that served as the basis for this photo book model. We chose a pastel green, no more overly contrasting colors in this example, to make room for the gentleness of spring. Our layouts also include patterns such as flowers or ladybugs to break up the uniformity of the photo frames. In the same spirit, you'll notice the photo frames of colors that blend very well with this harmonious ambiance. Here you have all the elements to create an album that smells of freshness, with family photos, portraits, and landscapes.
Our Advice
If a photo album were a moment of joy, it would undoubtedly be illustrated by this theme! Its clear and varied layouts, decorated with symbolic yet gentle images, are destined to host photos reflecting similar emotions. This theme is primarily composed of blue, red, green, and yellow colors, with here and there some pastel backgrounds intended to further enhance the feeling of softness that will emanate from any album composed from here.