Photo Album These Little Moments

There are simple joys, everyday joys, with no other pretensions than to have a pleasant time. Because these are often (too) fleeting, this "Little Moments, Big Memories" album will allow you to keep them beyond your mere memory!
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Customize your Photo Album These Little Moments
An excellent example of an album, with dark blue or white backgrounds, embellished with a fine font in solid or dotted lines. Pleasant to browse, visually very aesthetic, it has been designed to be the receptacle of simple layouts. Mischievous smiles, autumnal walks, evening cuddles, childish joys, sunny mornings, and many more 'non-events', are all memories to be preserved. Because simplicity is worth being engraved forever, it deserves to be printed on these few pages of happiness.
Delivery Time : Delivered within 2 to 4 working days in France Metropolitan.
Printing : HD Professional. We use the latest generation of digital printers to provide you with the best quality available (Xerox IGen4 & HP Indigo Digital Press).
Customization : with FlexiLivre, your photo books are 100% customizable. Add as many photos as you want, change layouts, add stickers, page backgrounds, etc... You are free to create a photo book that looks like you!
Our customers love our photo albums !
Album photo 250pages: impec!
Interface pratique pour faire un album photo, meme de 250pages ! bonne qualité, tres belle surprise :)
D. Magalie
Très bel album photos
Très bel album photos
Excellente qualité
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Coutarel Chantal
Very happy by the result
Very happy by the result! And user friendly platform.
Simple, rapide, conforme à la demande… efficace .