Modern Recipes Photo Book

This theme will allow you to create your recipe book like a gastronomy professional. This model is sober and clear, it will perfectly illustrate your cookbook.
Delivery Time : Delivered within 2 to 4 working days in France Metropolitan.
Printing : HD Professional. We use the latest generation of digital printers to provide you with the best quality available (Xerox IGen4 & HP Indigo Digital Press).
Customization : with FlexiLivre, your photo books are 100% customizable. Add as many photos as you want, change layouts, add stickers, page backgrounds, etc... You are free to create a photo book that looks like you!
Our Advice
Create your photo album of cooking recipes and finally put all your favorite recipes down on paper. Sometimes scattered around the house or just in the back of your mind, your favorite recipes are sometimes forgotten or altered.
To be able to make them perfectly, find them at a glance and most importantly pass them on to future generations, the photo album of cooking recipes with the "modern" theme is the ideal solution to save them; to help you, FlexiLivre offers a layout adapted to the creation of a photo recipe book.
In just a few clicks, you choose your pictures, your colors, your format and create the album that suits you. Easy to make, your album will be worthy of those of the greatest French chefs.